Error Launching the editor: The application path does not excist

I downloaded the newest version of unity (i.e) Unity 2019.3.0a5 wit unity hub.
But i cannot open or create any projects. And my hard disc is not external. WHY???


Hello there,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Would you please report a bug that we can look into the log files?


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I have same error.

4659581–438008–info-log_json.txt (14.1 KB)

My unity.exe was working as admin and this was causing the problem so I unchecked that admin permission and it opened.


I had the same issue, I removed all my Unity installation references in the “Installs” tab of the Unity Hub, located the Unity.exe (which was simply here: “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe”) and it fixed it.

Was the first time I tried to create a new project with Unity 2019 through Unity Hub (since it seems there is no other way now…).


Try to remove all the available paths and then add through the locate option.


I also download unity and when create new project and get error in launching the editor. Why???

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i just opened it from unity, and not unity hub

I have same error.


Yes unchecking the Run as Administrator worked for me as well. But I think if Unity Hub also runs with an admin permission then it shouldn’t be an issue. Haven’t checked though!

same problem. unity what’s the problem? unity should be out of the box and not like that!

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how do you do this

anyone know how to fix C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/Resources/Packages/package.json doesnt exist?

same here for mac

how did u do that

I uninstalled unity to reinstall a clean version, only to find i had to now use the hub.

i am having the issue described above and cannot begin a new project.
Any help would be welcomed.


Windows 10

***reinstalled january 2019 version and it’s working fine now.

I have a similar problem which is when clicking on the create button nothing is appearing … It’s my first time using unity software please help


I was having the same issue after Noting that My Unity versions were being installed in an undesired location. After uninstalling, then updating the Unity Editor folder(under gear icon), it actually installed but unity maintained a link to the previous installs. Here’s how I fixed it:

  • Uninstall Unity Hub
  • Open file explorer and navigate to C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming and manually delete the Unity Hub directories.
  • Now install Unity Hub
  • Open Unity Hub and navigate to the installs panel and click the locate button.
  • Navigate to where the former version of Unity hub installed the unity version and select the Unity.exe file
    (Drive:\Path\Version\Editor\Unity.exe obviously changing the Drive:\Path\Version to proper values: IE: C:\Program Files\Unity\2018.4.22f1\Editor\Unity.exe)

Not sure if this will fix your issue but it fixed mine. Sorry no fix suggestions for *nix OS


thanks it s work

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I tried this; it just opened unity hub and closed Unity