Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use ort - webserver

Hi i’m having this error when trying to start my server
start websocket signaling server ws://
0|index | start as public mode
0|index | Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use ort

ort is obviously not an address? And the port -1 looks funny.

It’s really quite weird because it works fine on my local machine. Note for this run i am using pm2 to start.
pm2 start build/index.js – -m public -w -port 3000

However i’ve never been able to get the -port command to work in aws ubuntu. Is it an AWS issue?

On a separate note this ort popped out of nowhere? I also dont see it in my local

Any tips are welcome thanks!

I am not sure the process. Can you kill the process?

There was nothing running at port “ort”.

it happens when i tried to set the --port 3000
When i removed it then the ort issue went away. I also couldn’t get the --port to work in Ubuntu AWS. I had to default it in the nodejs code

I still dont know why.