I have started a new URP project, imported current Hybrid renderer (Version 0.51.1-preview.21) and followed the Moetsi-tutorial (which is a bit oudated).
The problem is, I cannot see the spawned entities (they appear in DOTS-hierarchy though and seem to have all relevant components). Instead the console contains this error:
A Hybrid Renderer V2 batch is using the shader “Universal Render Pipeline/Lit”, but the shader is either not compatible with Hybrid Renderer V2, is missing the DOTS_INSTANCING_ON variant, or there is a problem with the DOTS_INSTANCING_ON variant.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:processEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
This happens when the prefab is a standard Unity-sphere with default URP-Lit material. I created another material and checked “Enable GPU Instancing”. Same error. Now I don’t really know what else to do here. Is it so hard for Unity to convert it’s own meshes and materials to properly work with their renderers? What am I supposed to do to show a simple sphere prefab in ECS? Any ideas?
Edit: This is especially confusing because the Unity instancing manual states:
When I verified that all requirements are met (target 4.5, DOTS_INSTANCING_ON,
UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP) the shader is lacking the last one. And I’m quite unsure where I can add it, what to add and wether I can change built in shaders (or they are overwritten in any update).