Error: Music speed affected by camera movement

Please help me because this drives me nuts.
I am trying to make a first person game where the player flies in the space. The camera is controlled by mouse, and the player flies automatically where the camera points.

This is the script for the camera movement:

var flySpeed = 1;
var defaultCam : GameObject;
var playerObject : GameObject;
function Update()
if (Time.timeScale>0)
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * flySpeed);

When I comment the translate part, the music plays perfectly, my camera stays, where it was when i started the game, and it can only look around.
When i uncomment this part, the camera flies, but the music plays faster or slower. It depends on, where i look with the camera.
The component for the music and the main camera has nothing to do with each other (so neither of them is children of the another)

That’s probably because of the AudioSource’s Doppler Level. If you go to the 3D settings of the the AudioSource you can change it.

Yeah literally 5 minutes after i posted this, i jokingly pulled the doppler level down (Because of Sheldon Coopers Halloween Costume from Season 1) then my jaw dropped when i realized that the problem was gone. I wrote to a moderator to delete this post, but anyway thank you for your reply!