Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (C#)

Hi guys!

I am having a problem and i can’t figure it out. I am still learning how to program in C# and i was hoping someone can help me.

What i am doing is making a “framework” for the GUI/HUD in a FPS game. The problem is that i have an NulReferenceException.

When the error occurs, the console write me this: “NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object GUI_HUD.OnGUI() (at Assets/Scripts/GUI_HUD.cs:53)”

Can you guys help me?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUI_CustomControls : MonoBehaviour
    //Left player HUD side 
    public void LeftStatusMeter(float health, Texture playerImage, Texture backgroundBarImage, Texture healthBarImage)
        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(0, 0, 330, 125));

        //Back bars
        GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 10, 272, 90), backgroundBarImage);

        //Front bars
        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(40, 10, 218 * (health / 10.0f) + 35, 90));
        GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 272, 90), healthBarImage);

        //Place head circle
        GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 330, 125), playerImage);

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUI_HUD : MonoBehaviour 

    public GUISkin customSkin; 

    //Top right player HUD side
    public Texture2D playerImage;   //Done
    public Texture2D playerHealthBarImage;  //Done
    public Texture2D playerHealthBar;   //Done

    private GUI_CustomControls customControls;  //Done
    //private GameObject customControls;  //Done
    Player_Status playerInfo; //Done
    private Player_AttackController playerAttack; //Done 
    private Component closestEnemyStatus; //Done
    //private GameObject closestEnemyStatus; //Done
    private GameObject player;  //Done

    GameObject closestEnemy;
    Vector3 enemyDistance; 

	// Use this for initialization
	void Awake () 
        //customControls = GetComponent<GUI_CustomControls>(); //Done
        GUI_CustomControls customControls = (GUI_CustomControls)this.GetComponent(typeof(GUI_CustomControls));
        //customControls = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GUI_CustomControls));
        playerAttack = GetComponent<Player_AttackController>(); //Done
        playerInfo = GetComponent<Player_Status>(); //Done
        player = GameObject.FindWithTag(Tag_TagController.player); //Done

    void OnGUI()
   = customSkin;

        //Players's Vitals
        customControls.LeftStatusMeter(playerInfo.maxHealth, playerImage, playerHealthBarImage, playerHealthBar);

1395730–72137–$GUI_HUD.cs (1.69 KB)
1395730–72138–$GUI_CustomControls.cs (714 Bytes)

In console click on error to see where exactly is it generated in your code and post only the relevant part of code using “CODE” tag

you do:


but variable customControls although is defined to contain reference to object of type GUI_CustomControls it is never assigned any value. So yes it has value null and referencing a null object will generate NullReferenceException

In Awake function you have:

GUI_CustomControls customControls = (GUI_CustomControls)this.GetComponent(typeof(GUI_CustomControls));

This code declares new variable with name customControls that will exist only within this function and assigns a value to it. That customControls variable is a diferent variable then

public class GUI_HUD : MonoBehaviour 
    private GUI_CustomControls customControls;

to assign value to you class scope variable do

customControls = ...

Instead of declaring a new variable:

GUI_CustomControls customControls = ...

I posted the code in the first post.Sorry


In your GUI_HUD script you are declaring a global value customControls in line 15 but then you trying to instantiate the GUI_CustomControls class to a local customControls value in line 31. As its local its only valid in its scope (Awake) and will never reach the OnGUI event

Change line 31 to:
customControls = (GUI_CustomControls)this.GetComponent(typeof(GUI_CustomControls));

Thank you guys for your quick reply.

I have changed line 31 to:

I am still getting the same error.

Could it have anything to do with the variables protection level ?

In your code you never add a component of type GUI_CustomControls to GameObject of this script so when you do:


returns null because no such component exists.

In your Awake do in the beginning:


Or instead of adding your GUI_CustomControls component programmatically you could add it in editor in which case you need to protect yourself from null referencing:

if(customControls != null)
    customControls.LeftStatusMeter(playerInfo.maxHealth, playerImage, playerHealthBarImage, playerHealthBar);

Thank you everyone for your help! I appreciated it very much.

I got it working now, and for everyone else having the same problem i have posted the working code down below:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUI_HUD : MonoBehaviour 

    public GUISkin customSkin; 

    //Top right player HUD side
    public Texture2D playerImage;
    public Texture2D playerBGHealthBar;
    public Texture2D playerHealthBar;

    private GUI_CustomControls customControls;
    private Player_Status playerInfo;

	// Use this for initialization
	public void Awake () 
        customControls = (GUI_CustomControls)this.GetComponent(typeof(GUI_CustomControls));
        playerInfo = (Player_Status)this.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Status)); 

    public void OnGUI()
   = customSkin;

        //Players's Vitals
        if (customControls != null)
            customControls.LeftStatusMeter(playerInfo.maxHealth, playerImage, playerBGHealthBar, playerHealthBar);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[AddComponentMenu("GUI/Custom Controls")]
public class GUI_CustomControls : MonoBehaviour
    //Left player HUD side 
    public void LeftStatusMeter(float health, Texture playerImage, Texture backgroundBarImage, Texture healthBarImage)
        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(0, 0, 330, 125));

        //Back bars
        GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 10, 272, 90), backgroundBarImage);

        //Front bars
        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(40, 10, 218 * (health / 10.0f) + 35, 90));
        GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 272, 90), healthBarImage);

        //Place head circle
        GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 256, 128), playerImage);
