[Error] "Screen Position out of view frustum" when using the mouse wheel

I am getting the following error whenever I zoom out with my orthographic camera using the mouse wheel.

Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 454.000000, 260.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 1103 523)
UnityEngine.SendMouseEvents:DoSendMouseEvents (int)

The weird thing here is that I have changed absolutely nothing in my camera controll script nor in any code that is connected to the camera nor in the camera game object itself. This issue just appeared out of nowhere and I have no clue how to fix this. It worked perfectly fine before

I’ve searched for the issue and have found a plethora of possible solutions but nothing has worked yet and I’m totally stuck now. One thing I have noticed is that once scrolling with the mouse wheel the camera orthographic size is set to 0 all of a sudden.

Any other camera function (like draging the camera or moving it with the WASD keys works fine.
I have attached a screenshot of my camera GameObject as well.

Something I forgot to mention is that there was a Unity Update that I noticed when I tried to restart Unity to fix this. I’ve also set up GitHub Desktop for my project inbetween the camera working fine and the error appearing. Maybe one of these two things can be connected to it?

UPDATE: The issue solved itself as mysteriously as it appeared. What I did was uncomment every part of my camera script except the part that is responsible for zooming, changed a few values and it worked. I then uncommented more and more parts of the script and the issue didn’t appear again. Maybe someone can update this later on to explain what this issue is and what happened here.