Hello guys. I downloaded personal edition of unity 3d, and installed it. Everything went fine, but when I run unity and try to login, I get this error, I’ve tried reinstalling it 3 times, disabled antivirus/firewall. But I still get this error. My internet is working perfectly, I don’t know what is the problem, even though I can login in the website. Any way to fix that?
Your help will be appreciated, thanks.
Edit: I am running Windows 7 SP1.
Edit 2: I installed Windows 8.1, and it is WORKING right now, from what I think, it was some registry error. Mark this question solved please.
I have found the solution for me.
→ i had an environment variable set named “https_proxy” in my user environment. After removing that variable (i did not need it anyways), it worked again. It seems as if unity is checking this env var.
If you need a proxy, check the variables value.
please delete http_proxy variable through system and login
step–go start->right click on mycomputer->properties->advanced system setting->Environment variable
->select http_proxy->delete
I encountered this in Win 10, first time opening Unity and had to re-activate License. Dunno if it matters, but I installed Unity once, then uninstalled it because I need to free some space at that time.
Anyway, since OP said “registry error”, I closed Unity, clean registry using CCleaner*, re-open Unity, try to login, and successfully logged in.
- Be careful, because there are people said cleaning registry using CCleaner messed up something on his PC. I never encountered any problem tho.
for linux users
after installing successfully run this from terminal if you are unable to signin
LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libresolv.so.2 /opt/Unity/Editor/Unity
The Problem is your old unity version.
Go to following thread and download the latest version (find the last post):
Because OP said registry error, before I tried anything suggested, I just closed Unity and then cleaned my registry using CCleaner. Then I opened Unity again, tried to login, and successfully logged in.
Be careful if you want to ‘play’ with registry though.
None of these worked for me.
My solution was rather simple and dumb.
I had just installed windows, so the date was different.
All i had to do was set it.