Error StartSignInAsync in WebGl

I am trying to authenticate player with unity services and creating build for webGl.

Task StartSignInAsync(bool isSigningUp = false)

In the editor it works fine but in the web build i receive popup message

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds at
77FBF821A297FBAB40CCE118819 (http://localhost:52711/Build/

Does this authentication works in webgl build or I miss something?

Just in case, my code below

public LoginTestController(LoginTestUi loginTestUi)
            _view = loginTestUi;
            Debug.Log("Controller constructor");

        private async void InitializeAsync()

            await UnityServices.InitializeAsync();
            PlayerAccountService.Instance.SignedIn += OnSignedIn;

            _isInitialized = true;

        private void OnLoginClick()

            if (!_isInitialized || _isWaitingLogin)


        private async void OnLoginClickAsync()

            _isWaitingLogin = true;
            await StartSignInAsync();
            _isWaitingLogin = false;

        private async UniTask StartSignInAsync()

                await PlayerAccountService.Instance.StartSignInAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.LogError($"!!!!!!! Test get error {ex}");


on line 44 i have error in webgl, but works in Editor

Not sure if this has anything to do with the issue but you need to await this call too. Or some other means like returning Task and use Task.Run.

In the editor and most platforms I suppose the InitializeAsync call is instant but not on the Web so this may be why you’re not seeing an issue in the editor.

I am sure that the problem is not in this line: InitializeAsync();