Error Submitting to Mac App Store

I’m not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I figured since Cloud Build is introducing some uncertainty into my process, I’d put it here.

Here’s my process for my macOS game:

  • I build and notarize my app through Unity Cloud Build (using my Developer ID Application certificate)
  • Download the .app file
  • Build/sign the .pkg file (using productbuild --component /Applications --sign ‘3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Company Inc. (XXXXXXXXX)’ APP_NAME.pkg)
  • Submit to Mac App Store via Transporter
  • Apple sends me this great big long error email, with the headline error of “Invalid Signature.”

I’m concerned because I know you sign the code before notarization and apple seems to be having problem with some internal unity .dylibs. So if anyone has any insight on how the notarization process is actually going in cloud build, that’d be useful.

I’ve also asked this question (worded somewhat differently) on the apple forums, in case I forget to update this and I figure it out over there.

This was not related to unity cloud build except as far as UCB was doing the notarization. However I’ll put what I learnt as hopefully this will be helpful if you google that error code.

Basically I was getting confused between the various type of Apple provided certificates:

  • Developer ID Application: Company Name (xxxxxxxxxx) - Can sign code, used for Notarization + distribution outside the AppStore

  • Used in conjunction with Apple’s codesign tool

  • And what you use to set up notarization in UnityCloudBuild

  • 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Company Name (xxxxxxxxxx) - Can sign code, used for AppStore submission

  • Used in conjunction with Apple’s codesign tool

  • 3rd Party Installer Application: Company Name (xxxxxxxxxx) - Can sign .pkg files, used for AppStore

  • Used in conjunction with Apple’s productbuild tool

You need to make sure you’re signing each step with the correct type of certificate, if you don’t apple will just say “Invalid Signature”, which is vague, but maybe this help

This how-to was really useful for clearing up where I was getting confused. Signing a Mac Product For Distribu… | Apple Developer Forums

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