Error: The ghost collection contains a ghost which does not have a valid prefab on the client

i have error as title when create new subscene and add ghost prefab to the new subscene.

i have two subscene.
First subscene have Auto Load Scene is true.
Second subscene have Auto Load Scene is false.

Case 1:
I drag the ghost component prefab to Second subscene
First subscene dont contain this prefab.
And when run it show the error.

Case 2:
I drag the ghost component prefab to both subscene.
The error disappears. but i dont want the prefab appear in first subscene.

after several days debug finally i found out.
i should create subscene with all prefab references in it.

  • I will load that scene on both client and server before add NetworkStreamInGame.
  • And in that subscene i should add one Pre-spawned ghosts instance. Because on server i preloaded all subscenes(map areas) and one of them contain Pre-spawned ghosts instance, so that Server auto add PrespawnSceneList to GhostCollectionPrefab.
    On client I dont load all subscenes(map areas), but i load only specify subcene when player’s position near any map area. when GhostCollectionPrefab sync to client, it find out all prefabs references but missing PrespawnSceneList. And Even the error dont show me Name of prefab in comma.

The ghost collection contains a ghost which does not have a valid prefab on the client! Ghost: ‘’ (‘ENTITY_NOT_FOUND’).