Error "Uncaught abort(298)" after switch on WebGL

Hi. After a switch the project on WebGL I receive an error “Uncaught abort(298) at Error…” in the browser when the scene starts.
Here is the error log:

Uncaught abort(298) at Error at jsStackTrace (blob: at Object.stackTrace (blob: at Object.onAbort ( at abort (blob: at wasm-function[94818]:4 at wasm-function[33965]:49 at wasm-function[62665]:10 at wasm-function[87728]:776 at wasm-function[94504]:19 at Object.dynCall_viii (blob: at invoke_viii (blob: at wasm-function[79297]:352 at wasm-function[79990]:32 ... at wasm-function[49977]:17 at wasm-function[94467]:21 at Object.dynCall_iiiii (blob: at invoke_iiiii (blob: at wasm-function[45528]:172 at wasm-function[45949]:36 ... at wasm-function[10375]:280 at wasm-function[94489]:12 at Object.dynCall_v (blob: at browserIterationFunc (blob: at Object.runIter (blob: at Browser_mainLoop_runner (blob:

The error text may change, but the UnityLoader.js part remains.

Here is the UnityLoader code

var a = {
	url: t,
	onProgress: UnityLoader.Progress.handler,
	compatibilityCheck: UnityLoader.compatibilityCheck,
	Module: {
		graphicsAPI: ["WebGL 2.0", "WebGL 1.0"],
		onAbort: function(e) {
			throw void 0 !== e ? (this.print(e),
			e = JSON.stringify(e)) : e = "",
			"abort(" + e + ") at " + this.###ERROR IN THIS PLACE###stackTrace()
		preRun: [],
		postRun: [],
		print: function(e) {
		printErr: function(e) {

It turned out to start the scene by removing most of the objects. But consistently deleting objects failed to find the culprit. Need to delete a certain group of objects so that the error disappears.
unity 2018.3.14f1

Is there any news?
I have also contact this error.
Unity 2018.3, Sample Scene build WebGL, Chrome 86.0.4240.75 version. (Current recently oppficial build)