error: undeclared identifier "TransformWorldToShadowCoord" - HDRP

Hi, I’m new to unity, and I’m currently following this tutorial to create a caustics effect for a unity environment I’m completing for university.


void MainLight_float(in float3 WorldPos, out half3 Direction, out half3 Color, out half DistanceAtten, out half ShadowAtten)
Direction = half3(0, 1, 0);
Color = 1;
DistanceAtten = 1;
ShadowAtten = 1;
half4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(WorldPos);
half4 shadowCoord = ComputeScreenPos(clipPos);
half4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(WorldPos);

Light mainLight = GetMainLight(shadowCoord);
Direction = mainLight.direction;
Color = mainLight.color;
DistanceAtten = mainLight.distanceAttenuation;
ShadowAtten = mainLight.shadowAttenuation;


this is the code the tutorial provides, in a HLSL file format, and it uses it as a custom function in shadergraph for grabbing the directional light in the scene to cast shadows on the caustics.
But at 4:13 in the video, when plugging multiply nodes into the other multiply nodes, the error

“Shader error in ‘Lit Master’: undeclared identifier ‘TransformWorldToShadowCoord’ at Models/Caustics/HLSL/Main_Light.hlsl(16) (on d3d11)”

appears and i cant fix it.

I’ve read that “TransformWorldToShadowCoord” isn’t a function in HDRP. Is this true? and if so, are there any alternatives I can use?

I’m getting the same error too but the I have urp version