Error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL


We’re currently experiencing a strange phenomenon with the Android build of our game, which we can’t find on the net.

The problem does not occur when building on Windows, but only on MAC.
The following error.

/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.9f1/ error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23708: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23708: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23708: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23709: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23709: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23709: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23721: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL
Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/mscorlib17.cpp:23721: error: unexpected opcode while processing relocation R_ARM_CALL

Below is the environment.
Unity 2021.3.9f1
Mac Monterey 12.5.1
XCode 13.4.1

If there is no effective solution to this, I am thinking that the only solution is to erase the disk and reconfigure it.
In the meantime, I’ve just asked it here.

just for fun checked what AI replies to that, could test that if nothing else comes up.
“compatibility issue between the Unity build process and the version of the Android NDK (Native Development Kit) that is installed on the Mac.”

I see, I will check.

Eventually I did …

  1. OS update.
  2. Re-insalled Unity
    3 Re-installed Android Studio.
  3. Changed External HDD format from ExFAT to APFS.
    now, it works.