I’m an unity beginner, recently I’ve tried using fbxsdk to generate my own model.
the below link is my fbxsdk code, it is modified from fbxsdk sample code ExportScene01
main.cxx : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_PDnBnm-Jy_NWlEbGNuQWYyVW8/view?usp=sharing
P.S. ( I haven’t compress the whole project , it’s too big!
you may replace it in “your_fbxsdk_sample_dir/sample/ExportScene01/”
then type command “make M64=-m64” if you’re 64 bit machine,
then “cd your_fbxsdk_sample_dir/bin/x64/release/ExportScene01; ./ExportScene01” then you’re get your
ExportScene01.fbx in current folder! )
I have to convince that I haven’t take really serious when assigning local/global translation values,
I still can’t get how it works, so it may or may not be one of the reason it crashes.
However I excepts that the model still animates while it look freaking weird.
The below link is my unitypackage:
In this project I simply configure my model to humanoid and apply an animation to it.
The animation imports from Unity-Chan, so it shall be accurate.
The Error message is
The main structure of the fbx skeleton is Pscene.getRoot() → NodeHips → Other_Bones( Spines, Left/Right legs)
more specifically, it is
Hips → Spines → Chest → head
→ L/R forearm → L/R arm → L/R hand
→ L/R upperLeg → L/R leg → L/R foot
The above clears my questions, sorry for poor English and thanks for your patience.
looking forward for any apply!