Error when applying Animation to my fbxsdk generated model

I’m an unity beginner, recently I’ve tried using fbxsdk to generate my own model.

the below link is my fbxsdk code, it is modified from fbxsdk sample code ExportScene01

main.cxx :

P.S. ( I haven’t compress the whole project , it’s too big!
you may replace it in “your_fbxsdk_sample_dir/sample/ExportScene01/”
then type command “make M64=-m64” if you’re 64 bit machine,
then “cd your_fbxsdk_sample_dir/bin/x64/release/ExportScene01; ./ExportScene01” then you’re get your
ExportScene01.fbx in current folder! )

I have to convince that I haven’t take really serious when assigning local/global translation values,
I still can’t get how it works, so it may or may not be one of the reason it crashes.
However I excepts that the model still animates while it look freaking weird.

The below link is my unitypackage:

In this project I simply configure my model to humanoid and apply an animation to it.
The animation imports from Unity-Chan, so it shall be accurate.

The Error message is

The main structure of the fbx skeleton is Pscene.getRoot() → NodeHips → Other_Bones( Spines, Left/Right legs)
more specifically, it is
Hips → Spines → Chest → head
→ L/R forearm → L/R arm → L/R hand
→ L/R upperLeg → L/R leg → L/R foot

The above clears my questions, sorry for poor English and thanks for your patience.

looking forward for any apply!

Maybe post in external tools section to get additional visibility, since this error is caused by what ever process you are doing out side of Unity.

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