Error when building/installing on the iphone

what could this problem be?

IOException: Failed to Copy File / Directory from ‘/Applications/Unity iPhone/Unity’ to ‘Temp/BuildingPlayer/Data/mscorlib.dll’.
UnityEditor.PostprocessBuildPlayer.Postprocess (BuildTarget target, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, System.String iPhoneBundleIdentifier, Int32 iPhoneStrippingLevel, Int32 iPhoneScriptCallOptimization, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.String downloadWebplayerUrl, System.String manualDownloadWebplayerUrl, BuildOptions options) (at /Users/joe/iphone-clean/Editor/Mono/PostprocessBuildPlayer.cs:398)

Same problem here - tried deleting and/or chmod 777 on the folder, but no luck.

Any ideas?

check this thread: