Error when I try to export Growth Animation with Branch Spines


I’m trying to export my growth animation with Branch Spines or even the spines alones but I keep getting the following error:

The animation exports successfully when I export just the Geometry but I need the spines which I can bring into Houdini

Hi @GroveGuardian,

Can you please share your export settings with us? My tests with branch spines selected are running successfully, so I haven’t been able to replicate your error. We’d be happy to try and help you diagnose the issue.

Do you have this issue on multiple files, or just one?


I’m trying to export with the hierarchy using Speedtree Modeler 10.0.0

The exports run successfully if I select other grouping methods (but they don’t seem to include any form of curves- see below) but it doesn’t succeed with the hierarchy grouping

I did an export without growth animation enabled and I noticed when bringing it into Maya- only the hierarchy grouping seems to be exporting out any spines/curves:

I tried it on the sample growth scene and hierarchy grouping but I get the same error message when I try to export that:

Sample scene: Sapling Growth

*I’m unable to embed multiple images so that’s why I’m posting multiple replies

I was able to replicate your bug. I’ll let the devs know and we’ll look into fixing this on an upcoming release. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

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@GroveGuardian I’m happy to say our devs resolved the bug, so please keep an eye out for the next release to get the fix!

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Thanks for the update, looking forward to the fix!

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