Error when trying to implement JumpPad/GravityPad type effect on CharacterController (Solved)

I’m trying to create a jumpPad/launchPad effect in my game. Nothing fancy, just a simple boost upwards when the player runs across the pad.

After searching round the forums I came across this script, which seemed to be exactly what I was looking for -

#pragma strict
 var moveVelocity : Vector3 =;
 private var thePlayerMotor : CharacterMotor;
 function Start()
     thePlayerMotor = GetComponent(CharacterMotor);
 function OnTriggerEnter(ThePad : Collider)
     if (ThePad.gameObject.tag == "JumpPad")
         moveVelocity = Vector3(0,50,0);

But I get this error when the pad/trigger is activated -

SendMessage OnExternalVelocity has no receiver!
CharacterMotor:SetVelocity(Vector3) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Character Controllers/Sources/Scripts/CharacterMotor.js:582)
JumpPadLaunch:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (at Assets/JumpPadLaunch.js:20)

Any help would be appreciated


i used this script:

#pragma strict
        var strength : int = 10; 

        var jumppadsound : AudioClip; 

        // make sure to check the Is Trigger checkbox in the Box/mesh/whatever collider
        function OnTriggerEnter(col : Collider){
        // Make sure the "Player" tag is set on the player
        col.gameObject.GetComponent(CharacterMotor).SetVelocity(Vector3.up * strength);
        @script RequireComponent(AudioSource);

make sure the character is tagged “Player”