I can’t update my projects from Unity 2022.3.49f1 to any newer version and from Unity 2021.3.43f1 to any newer version without localization problems.
If a user updates Unity 2022.3.49f1 game to Unity 2022.3.57f1 on his device he gets theese errors on the first launch:
Error while downloading Asset Bundle: CRC Mismatch. Provided 23dff70d, calculated 92c5513f from data. Will not load AssetBundle ‘…/base.apk!/assets/aa/Android/localization-locales_assets_all.bundle’
System.Exception: Unable to load dependent bundle from location Assets/Localization/English (en).asset
No Locale could be selected:
No Locales were available. Did you build the Addressables?
On the second launch he gets theese errors:
Error while downloading Asset Bundle: CRC Mismatch. Provided 3c8ad9e5, calculated 95c985b3 from data. Will not load AssetBundle ‘…/base.apk!/assets/aa/Android/localization-assets-shared_assets_all.bundle’
UnityWebRequest result : ConnectionError : Request aborted
ResponseCode : 200, Method : GET
url : jar:file:///data/app/~~…/base.apk!/assets/aa/Android/localization-assets-shared_assets_all.bundle
And only on the third launch the game will work fine. On the first launch the game is totally broken.
The problem initially apperared on Unity 2022.3.50f1 and on 2021.3.44f1 and hasn’t been fixed yet. Before this there were no problems with updates.
I tried to clear Library and to update Unity to the newest version and Localization package.
The problem exists on Android and iOS builds.
Please, help me to fix this issue. I really want to update Unity without such problems to my users.