Error while importing firebase package into unity

I am using unity version 2022.3.45f1 and want to use google analytics for firebase in my project. While importing the package, the following errors pop up

Help me out.

What kind of package is this and how did you import it? Did you follow the official instructions on how to set up a Unity project?

The warning seems to indicate the package may not be compatible. Unity’s Package Manager will only import Unity-compatible npm Packages, or a .unitypackage file. Unity does not support importing just any npm package.

I downloaded the package from the google apis for unity page just like it is given in the tutorials. The file is a .unitypackage one too.

Can you import the package in a new project without issues?

It’s strange that the errors are about Tilemap classes. Firebase should not affect these. Perhaps the error isn’t actually because of the Firebase package? Try deleting it to see if the error goes away.