Error while importing package: Couldn't decompress package

Every time I try to import any package I get this error information - “Error while importing package: Couldn’t decompress package”.

This happens even with the standard asset packages. However it works fine in my colleagues machine. :-(. Any help?


This happens for me, too. No idea what caused it.

Are the unity versions of the package creator and the package receiver the same?
Did you pull the package through a foreign file system?
Try zipping the package before sending it to the receiver.

It is because you are not waiting for the package to finish zipping when you make it.

Once it is finished, it will pop up a Finder window showing it. Just because Unity looks like it have finished because the dialogue window closes, doesn’t mean it has finished.

try making it again, and waiting until it pops up in finder, then it it safe to distribute.

This has been brought up on the forum before a few times :wink:

EDIT: OK I don’t think I read the original post properly! Ignore my comments.

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Better yet, put it in a folder and zip the folder


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I was getting this error because the shared folder I was importing the shared assets from didn’t have full read/write access. Fixing that alleviated the problem.

If you are using Chinese windows xp, don’t put the package under a folder whose name includes Chinese character.


that’s right!

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When you decompress the package you pobably don’t put it in the project panel…
Well when I put the package into the project pannel I didn’t have the problem ! :smile::smile::smile:

PS: Sorry for my bad english…

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It was cos path 2 folder with ur package has russian symbols. Drop it 2 root of ur disk, 4 example, and try 2 decompress it there.

Solved for me!
I simply downloaded the package again, and changed the directory. In the tried before I put the package in a google drive local directory. I hope this help.


When I try to get free Assets from the Asset store, I think it tries to save them to my C drive, which is full. My D drive is where I keep my most files. How do I get Unity to save stuff to my D drive and not my C drive? It is downloading to the C drive on default and either giving me error messages or saying there isn’t enough room in my C drive.


it works!!

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I tried all of above then I downloaded the package again, pasted it into the Asset folder and it now works. Note the new package was the same release number as the failed package…the failed one may have been corrupted in the download?

What do unity we write error while importing package: Couldn’t decompress package:(:(:frowning:

Hi everyone, I had this problem, but I found the solution for me : I put the project and the package who I want to import in a USB Key (with no space avaible - 0 free ko), I delete some stuff to make more space and it’s working. Maybe the error display when you have no enough space to decompress and install
Sorry for my english , i’m bad in. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot.

This error also comes up if any folder names/file names leading up to your Unity project are too long.


Solved for me. I just accidentally create my project into D:. Simply create new project into default unity project folder, which is C:\Users\username\Documents (on my PC of course)

Hey Guyz !

I just experienced that issue. The packages I tryied to import were in an older project’s root. I moved it onto desktop, executed my packages, and it worked perfectly.

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