I’m getting an error when trying to build and run for Android. I’m using a Mac, and I tried the SDK Tools 25.2.5 workaround with the 26.0.0 SDK target platform, since I’m told that these are the way to go with my current version of Unity 5.6.0f. But I’m still getting this error which prevents my build, even after downloading Google Play Services from the Android Studio SDK Tools:
“Moving Temp/StagingArea/android-libraries/play-services-base-license-11.8.0/classes.jar to Temp/StagingArea/android-libraries/play-services-base-license-11.8.0/libs/classes.jar: No such file or directory”
Any suggestions on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated
Hopefully, this helps you. I essentially had to delete out my current version of my GooglePlayGames folder and redownload the plugin containing all the necessary Google Play files (from Github). I also had to delete my One Signal folder (because I was trying to use them for free push notification services, but it seems that the Google Play Plugin is very finicky and doesn’t work well with certain plugins. Ultimately, it wasn’t worth the extra stress for me).
This site also helped a little: Error: Duplicate file(s) in apk: 'D:\UnityProjects\XXXX\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\com.google.games.gpgs-plugin-support-0.9.50\libs' · Issue #2105 · playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity · GitHub
If all else fails, you may have to look someone up on a site like Fiverr.
Best of luck to you!