Error with Terrain Composer

I’m not sure if this is a problem with Unity or TC or what, so I’ve reported it here and in the TC thread.

Showstopper error with Unity Beta 5.1.0b3:

Assets/TerrainComposer/Editor/TerrainComposer.js(17284,42): BCE0055: Internal compiler error: Value is less than UInt64.MinValue.

Line of code is this:

@DrawGizmo(GizmoType.NotSelected | GizmoType.Active)

My project will not run at all with this error.

If I delete the line my project works normally. Not sure what it does but I can live with it for now.

it’s mentioned in release notes:
Editor: Rename and introduce a some GizmoType enum values to be more explicit about how they work with selection hierarchy. See the docs

TerrainComposer uses GizmoType.NotSelected enum this is now oblosete and may be used

Nice day

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Ok, thanks.

Hello Todd, this actually made a new error appear when compiling:

The only fix that we found was actually removing the line (commenting it).

I am pretty sure it’s a bug in Unity. If the constant was changed it would simply say that it does not recognize the name. It started to appear in 5.0.1p1 (which should be compatible to the f1). I opened bug reports for it already. No reaction from Unity so far.

The line generating the error is now at 16947. Changing GizmoType.NotSelected to GizmoType.NotInSelectionHierarchy gave a clean compile for me, thanks!

Newer version of terrain composer also fix this :slight_smile: