Error with TouchControl.cs


I have this error on Unity 5.2.3:

Assets/Scripts/Controls/TouchControl.cs(34,79): error CS1061: Type UnityEngine.GameObject' does not contain a definition for collider’ and no extension method collider' of type UnityEngine.GameObject’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

And the code what cause this error is:

if( ControlInput.GetStringButton( j ).collider.Raycast( ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity ) )

Whole code is:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TouchControl : MonoBehaviour
	ControlInput ControlInput;
	bool[] StringChanges = new bool[ ControlInput.NumStrings ];

	//Use this for initialization
	void Start()
		ControlInput = GetComponent<ControlInput>();

	void Update()
		for( int i = 0; i < ControlInput.NumStrings; ++i )
			StringChanges[ i ] = false;

		for( int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; ++i )
			Touch touch = Input.GetTouch( i );

			if( touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary )
				Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay( touch.position );
				RaycastHit hit;

				for( int j = 0; j < ControlInput.NumStrings; ++j )
					if( ControlInput.GetStringButton( j ).collider.Raycast( ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity ) )
						StringChanges[ j ] = true;

		for( int i = 0; i < ControlInput.NumStrings; ++i )
			ControlInput.OnStringChange( i, StringChanges[ i ] );

Help me!

Change collider to


The component getter properties were removed since Unity 5.