
So I m trying to make a local multiplayer fps prototype. There is a youtube video on this but couldn’t find any help there:

It throws this error:
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
PlayerSetup.DisableComponents () (at Assets/Scripts/PlayerSetup.cs:17)
PlayerSetup.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/PlayerSetup.cs:27)

Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class PlayerSetup : NetworkBehaviour {

    Behaviour[] componentsToDisable;

    string remoteLayerName = "RemotePlayer";

    Camera sceneCamera;
    void DisableComponents()
        for (int i = 0; 1 < componentsToDisable.Length; i++)
            componentsToDisable[i].enabled = false;

    void Start ()
        if (!isLocalPlayer)
            // Disable components that should only be
            // active on the player the we control
            // We are the local player: Disable the scene camera
            sceneCamera = Camera.main;
            if (sceneCamera != null)
    void AssignRemoteLayer ()
        gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(remoteLayerName);


    void OnDisable ()
        if (sceneCamera != null)


First of all, your title is very unhelpful, it has nothing to do with the problem, change it
Your problem actually is, that on line 15 you wrote 1 < componentsToDisable… instead of i < componentsToDisable…

Sorry. And thank you so very much :slight_smile: