Oops. I didn’t notice there was another class inside SpawnerSample. Edit: I see the problem. the class is called lootAngle, but the constructor is called LootAngle. The names don’t match, so the compiler does not know it’s supposed to be a constructor (neither did I, actually).
lootAngle needs to be LootAngle like @bobisgod234 said
you call SpawnPotion several times but the method name is spawnPotions
At a glance you won’t even be able to create a LootAngle because the constructor is private. Make it public.
Method name is nextAngle but you are calling NextAngle. nextAngle also needs to be public or you won’t be able to access it.
You can create the method spawnPositions inside of a method like you are doing here, but… don’t for this case. You’ll no doubt be using spawnPositions again somewhere else in the code, don’t restrict it to this one method.
I think this will be a good exercise for you to try to work out yourself. See how far you can get with that info.