Made fork for current version of project 29 Oct, In Unity use the version 2019.4.11f1.
After load the project in console 3 message with error: Control state block lies outside of state buffer UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputManager:OnNativeDeviceDiscovered(Int32, String) UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputSystem:NotifyDeviceDiscovered(Int32, String)
Project runs & input system work, but error in “master” branch - it’s very strange?
Additional checks found some a possible problem and way to workaround:
To PC attached many input devices - joysticks and so on.
One joystick have “some deviation” - at zero position the joystick give some little movement by one axe.
In project setting at “Input System Package” i set supported devices Keyboard & Mouse only.
After this all errors messages disappeared at project load.
Sorry to hear, @DSivtsov , but many people are using the project right now without a joystick and it works for them. Do you get the error only the first time you start the game?
If the error doesn’t stop you from playing the game, don’t worry about it.
As I wrote (#2 in this thread) - I found some workaround: In project setting at “Input System Package” i set supported devices Keyboard & Mouse only. After this all errors messages disappeared at project load. But I doesn’t understand: 1. May be it’s a “correct situation” - the most developers (more experience) do it commonly and automatic (“it isn’t a bug, it’s a feature”)? 2. Should these issues be flagged as errors in the project roadmap?
Yes, before I made changes
No, I more worry about right procedures to organization work in collaboration under that interesting project.
Because Now, exist very great abyss (for the most of not very experienced developers) between the first your intro video (very motivational) with “DapperDino video” (great video) and reality which await you after you make first fork from current repository. The output from that project will be more, if you, your colleagues, and “team leaders” give some basic information for understanding the context of the common concept of development this projects and some main systems (I don’t talk regarding step-by-step - it’s a not format for this type of learning). Absent the “design document”, which can be described the main ideas and techniques used in this project (in common in one place). “RoadMap” is good but give not understanding of project in common (very separated information).
Because of all this, entry to the project is made hard for non experienced developers.(:)but we don’t give up yet)
Yes, but for all the other people this issue doesn’t happen. Or, it was never reported by anyone. I also don’t have a joypad connected most of the time, and I’ve never seen the error.
What kind of information do you think we should include to improve the first experience to the project?
Most of “beginners” (IMHO) came from Unity learning courses where are commonly used the “classic Game scheme” (scene with GameObject + Script connected to GameObject). The “current more effective way” with SciprtableObjects and with Managers and etc. doesn’t described not any course (what will be run first, what will be after that and so on). I know very similar project on GitHub, but I only learned about it only here (and received new skill - Unity project Updating and wrote my first PR for Unity project:sunglasses:) and I didn’t find Unity course regarding it.
Will be good to little describe discussion and accepted solution for main system which have some fixed stage (State machine, Scene loading, Spawn system, Camera rotation, Simple movement and etc). Not describe “Step-by-Step” as in Unity courses, but on conceptual level (which variant exist, why was selected that variant, Pros/Cons etc.). Because some discussion was very long and not fully crear for “beginners”. Made “some summary”. (IMHO it give possibilities for “new beginners” sync with project more quickly and doesn’t ask the “serious guys” about the same things.
For me (but i know I’m not alone:)) was hard to begin work with Git in collaboration environment (I spend on it one-two days, but dive very deep:eyes:), because Video Dapper Dino is very good, but show only one scenario (fork->new branch->changes->commit->pull request), but it’s not a common case (fork->(pull/push):)->(pull/push):)->new branch->changes->commit->(pull/push):)->changes->pull request:roll_eyes:)
OFFTOP Question to “serious guys (and girls):)”
If a big team is working under big software project remotely, (by IMHO) the discussion of solutions/problems/issues on forum (by linear threading) isn’t very effective and comfort.
I think will be more good to use some tool with give possibility to structured discussing different issues: Root Question after that forked on some responds(are some state/commit) for every responds participants can give Cons/Pros. Based on response (and Cons/Pros) can be created new Respond (are new some state/commit). Closed discussions can be merged in a some fixed state/commit. Similar like in Git (but for offline/online discussion when peoples doesn’t sit in one room) Does that type systems exist?Freewave and useful version exist (or this doesn’t meets)?
I agree, and we will address this. For now, we’re discussing these things in the livestreams that we do every two weeks, but it will be good to add these explanations in text too. I wonder where they should live. Maybe on the wiki of the project itself? (which is currently disabled)
We will surely make more videos, I was planning to do one myself.
Watch Open Projects: The Journey - Ep. 1 - link + copy/past description!!! with timecode, I didn’t know that it exist)
If want participate - Watch Video Dapper Dino (fork repo, discuss and agree changes on forum, after make PR) - It’s described in video, but didn’t clear where is that information exist (and I can’t quickly find the link on video now).
Main systems (conceptual) before read threads on forum and create questions :
Open Projects: The Journey - Ep. 2 (link)*
18:48 - UI wireframing*
37:55 - Event system / Loading system*
50:17 - Loading system in-editor demo*
01:01:36 - State Machine*
and so on - One place for start (HUB) to go other places
Note. I put on pause “Open Projects: The Journey - Ep. 2 " at 30:00 and I began scanning the forum regarding concept for "Loading system”/"State Machine" … I didn’t know that you made description with timeline codes:sweat_smile:
Information very much and for beginner is hard to select right sequence of studying it.
It will be very good, but demands your resources and time (now forked 680 and open PR 21)
That’s a great idea! We will create one, just need to think of the structure.
For instance, yes, the livestream are great but they also represent a temporary snapshot of the project. Some system might change later, and we will mention it during the livestreams, but if we link the livestreams in this thread then newcomers might think that the information in Episode 1 is the truth, when most probably it’s not anymore.
So even maintaining this list of link would require some work.
Will be good strategy was if somebody from experience participance time to time in threads make some like as “in nutshell” as did @WagnerGFX in [Generic State Machine]( State Machine page-4#post-6479555) (in this case you simple update links on current state of certain system or may be more good to add new links w/o deleting previous to have possibility see system evolution)