Errors occur when packaging projects in hybird mode in VisionOS

Why does packaging in Hybird mode produce errors in Vision OS? How can these errors be resolved?I am using engine version Unity 6.

Hi there! Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble. It looks like your images failed to upload. Can you try again or paste the text of the errors you are seeing?

Uploading: QQ图片20241211143721.png…

The image upload indeed failed. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the code. I’m seeing a message that says there is an error in line 28 of ‘unityGfxDeviceWorker,’ displaying ‘signal SIGABRT.’ I’m not sure if it’s due to a missing configuration or something else causing this error.

SIGABRT is some sort of crash in native graphics code. I’ll need to be able to replicate the issue in order to help. Can you please report a bug from the Unity Editor (Help > Report a bug...) with your project attached?

I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant,Could you please tell me what settings are needed for packaging in hybrid mode? It might be that I overlooked something in my settings.

Hello there. Happy new year! Sorry that I didn’t see this last message before I signed off for the holidays.

I’m not sure what you mean by “packaging” in this context. Do you mean submitting to the App Store? Or just making builds for testing? Either way, there are no special build requirements for Hybrid mode, aside from the App Mode setting itself in Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > Apple visionOS. It’s possible that you are seeing bugs specific to Hybrid mode, but I need more information about what is going wrong to help you.

So far all I can tell is that you hit a SIGABRT crash when trying to run builds, but that isn’t enough information. That can happen on any visionOS app for almost any reason.

If we can figure out what is causing your screenshots to fail to upload, we might be able to help you share some more information about your problem. Still, the best way for us to help is if you submit a bug with your project attached using the Unity bug reporter.

Thanks again for reaching out, and good luck!