Errors when installing Addressables System ( Version 0.5.3 )

I’m using Localization ( 0.2.2-preview ) when I install Addressables System package ( Addressables 0.5.3-preview ) it shows the errors:

Hey. This is due to some changes in Addressables 0.5.3. I will update and release a new version soon.

Edit: Version 0.2.3-preview addresses the issues

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Thank you very much @karl_jones !!

Hi karl_jones, I have a question. I have set up my localization, but it only works in the Unity Editor, it doesn’t work in my built application.

With the latest Addressables update the assets are no longer automatically built when you build a player, you need to open the Addressables window under Windows/Asset Management and click build at the top.

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It works, thank you.

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