I’ve got a couple/few questions regarding Copyrights, Credits, Logos, etc.
What qualifies as the “prorietary notices or labels” referred to by Section 1.iv. of the Unity 1.x Pro and Indie EULA? I’ve read elsewhere in the forums the copyright notice in the about box, the Ageia logo and the Unity logo mentioned specifically as included. What of the notices in the CFBundleGetInfoString, CFBundleShortVersionString, CFBundleIdentifier, and CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist of a built player runtime? Also which copyright notice in the about box is required? Just the “OverTheEdge”, or all three (Ageia, .NET, and OverTheEdge)?
What qualifies as “removal” of the above notices? Are we permitted to move all that information to another location in the runtime (e.g a “credits” screen in a game that plays primarily in fullscreen)? Must the notices be presented as they are in the about box (Unity logo, “Unity Player”, unity url, Ageia logo and copyright, .NET logo and copyright, OverTheEdge copyright)?
Do we need to include an EULA with our Unity-based release that includes the copyright notices and EULAs for The Mono Class Library, The Mono Runtime Libraries, The Mono C# Compiler and Tools, Boo, UnityScript, PostgreSQL, Twilight Prophecy SDK, dynamic_bitset, OpenAL, and/or libcurl?
I think those are the questions I need to have answers for to have this whole legalese stuff crystal clear for me .
[edit: some typos]