An Adult XXX game in making.
What do you think would be the best thing to implement in XXX game for VR and PC?. Maybe I can make your whises come true:)
so what Does it have?
Well I have implemented Voice recognision system with spech synthesis. You can talk to Girls and they will resposne. I have written 500 recognised phrases and over 2000 responses to them.For now it is mostly targeted for VR, but it is being constructed in a way that should be fun also for PC Users in future. Yes I know its all marketing talk. In my defence I only can say that i know that the best markeing is the quality of product itself. So it better be good. There is over 40k different games outhere and evrey one of them “is the best” It looks like only big games have enough marketing power and content quality to become sucesfull.So I would like to create a big big game with little resources .I think there is a way to do it.
BTW. what is the best 3rd party character system on Unity Asset store for RPG game type? YES i know to make a good game you must make your own, but I would like to just take some solutions