At the start I though I had some asset that was causing an error and after a research, nobody knows nothing about the details being clipped with the Skybox. I reinstalled all the XR and Oculus assets, and later also the packages I was using (models, textures, etc.). But didn’t work. So, after so many time and tries, I discovered that if you remove the Skybox the details looks fine, but when you use ANY Skybox, even the ones that comes with Oculus, the details looks black when they are directly touching the Skybox (when the details don’t have a geometry behind).
What kind of skybox? What are the skybox settings? Are you doing anything in code with your skybox? What about modifying RenderSettings? I only see one area in your screenshot that is black - can you paste a screenshot of the settings for this black material?
Have you checked the forums? There are a number of threads talking about skybox settings such as this: Optimal Skybox for Mobile VR Oculus Quest/Go/GearVR
Also according to Oculus documentation:
Avoid Unity’s Default-Skybox, which is computationally expensive for standalone. We recommend setting Skybox to None (Material), and Ambient Source to Color in Window > Lighting. You may also wish to set Camera.clearFlags to SolidColor (never Skybox).
You need to provide more information we can’t guess what your project configuration is, there are so many variables involved. If you want help, you have to help us to help you
You are right! I’m sorry,
I used a lot of Skybox types. The unity’s, the Oculus or some of the asset store. Some of them were Cubemap and others 6 sided, none worked. I have not a code accessing to the Skybox. About the environment settings I was using I’ll attach an image below. I now know that I’ve to change to those settings, but then how can I use a Skybox? I mean… That image that covers the sky…
Please let me know if you need something more, thank you for the reply, I was really struggling because I didn’t find anything about this.