Event Based Pool Management System

Event-Driven Pool Management System
Download Version 1.0.0 | Documentation
Supported Unity Versions: 2019.4+

Entity Based Pool Management System is a system which utilizes UnityEvents to make development an ease when dealing with GameObjects that need managed in a pool. What/How things are pooled is up to the developer.

The system allows for the developer to define what it means for a pooled object to be initialized, spawned, despawned, and terminated.

It is also built to work with any project, existing or new.


  • Provides a set of scripts that can be attached to any GameObject which allow for the utilization of the pool management optimization pattern.

  • Allows for simple pool management of a GameObject prefab and paves way for extensive customization in these regards.

  • Allows for complex pool management of a set of GameObject prefabs and paves way for extensive customization in these regards.

  • Allows for complex pool management of a set of GameObject prefabs using weighted constraints, allowing for certain pool objects to spawn more frequently than others.

As this asset is very early in development, the documentation details are incredibly lacking. Any form of feedback/assistance is LARGELY appreciated!

This asset is tried and proven in my own projects:
Gorglok’s Revenge
…and is used extensively in any prototype that I create which requires a pool management solution. I find that even creating prototypes with Instantiation/Destroying becomes more work as opposed to prototyping with the system.

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I’ve updated the documentation to include a Getting Started section to help people get a running start!

The package is now downloadable from the asset store! Event Driven Pool Management System | Integration | Unity Asset Store

Thanks jake

Updated the metadata and improved the name to be more easily able to be typed with less errors.