Event not being used?

Anyone have an idea why I receive two mouse down events from this code?

static var MouseDownButtonHash : int = "MouseDownButton".GetHashCode();

static function MouseDownButton(position : Rect, content : GUIContent, style : GUIStyle) : boolean {
	var controlID : int = GUIUtility.GetControlID(MouseDownButtonHash, FocusType.Native);
	var eventType : EventType = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlID);
	if (eventType == EventType.mouseDown) {
		if (position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) {
			GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID;
			return true;
	} else if (eventType == EventType.mouseUp) {
		if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) {
			GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
	} else if (eventType == EventType.repaint) {
		style.Draw(position, content, controlID);

	return false;

This sometimes return true twice when clicking once. Any ideas?

Well I’m a scripting noob so this may be completely wrong, but OnGUI is called multiple times if there are multiple events; could that have something to do with it?