I’m having an issue with Unity 5.1 and the UI Event Trigger class on Android - while things like Pointer Down (BaseEventData) and Pointer Exit (BaseEventData) work very well on desktop I can’t seem to find similar for mobile and they just don’t seem to be handled.
Information on this system is also painfully sparse with the help sections on the unity site missing pages on many of the elements involved - so any assistance will be greatly appreciated!
I’m simply calling a void through an event trigger - works for Pointer Exit, but it’s natural for users to do this on a mobile device - and it flat out won’t work for me with pointer click, down or up on Android or iOS - which version of Unity are you using?
Ok - that could be the catcher. I’m on 5.1.1. I’ve coded my own solution to this, and usually the versions don’t make that much of a difference but it has happened in the past.