Event triggered twice

When using a event with a non-monobehavior it gets triggered twice on invoke.

public class ClassA
    public event EventHandler ontest;

    private static ClassA _instance;

    private static readonly object _lock = new object();
    public static ClassA Instance
            lock (_lock)
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = new ClassA();
                return _instance;

    public void triggerTest()
        ontest?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

public class ClassB : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()
        ClassA.Instance.ontest += testEvent;
    public void testEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Debug.Log("Test Event triggered!");

I’m using a OnPlayerConnected Event, wich adds dummies for every player except the new player. The server send a packet wich gets received by the new player, this client willl then send a nother packet to every client. When it gets received it will trigger this event: here I noticed that there are always two calls. I have traced it back, but it also happens with the example code above. Is there something about UnityTransport and Events or…?

I noticed the same thing today. How have you handled this so far?

EDIT: I found my reason. I had two instances of the subscribing script by mistake.