Events outside of fixedUpdate

I am trying to get a finger flick gesture scripted for the iphone. I realize I’m positing this in the general scripting forum, but I think it is more of a general unity question.

My issue is that I want to record the fine details of a gesture which needs to be more granular than the physics timestep. Is there a way I can record events more frequently such as intervals or events that are triggered everytime the mouse moves?

i’m not doing any iphone stuff. any particular reason why you can’t use Update()? otherwise a couroutine where you can increment it via WaitForSeconds?

woah! must be drinking… double post!

well, my problem with update is that it’s only called every frame, and a gesture would need more detail than the frame rate.

ah yes. only a couple ways i can think of.

  • lower the time step
  • a coroutine with WaitForSeconds set fairly low. still could cause a performance problem but will break it out so physics calls aren’t increased like with time step.
  • OnGUI() functions are (can be?) executed more than once per frame.

sorry - can’t think of much else and don’t know if there’s an iphone specific way that would work better.