EventSystem breaks at high speed. How come?

I’m using UnityEngine.EventSystems for my interaction system, implementing all IPointer interfaces. It works almost perfectly. I have a round cursor showing up when I’m hovering over interactable object.

Reason i say almost is that at high speed (i have a physics forces driven plane) interaction events aren’t reliably called. Tbh speed of my vehicle isn’t even that big asit breaks at around 30-40 velocity magnitude. After that my interaction cursor starts flickering when aimed at doors etc and sometimes button interaction wont be called, not to add that all grabbing mechanics simply break.
I might add that in order to make this whole interaction system working i needed to add simple script from internet, which basically fixes known issue with EventSystem interactions when using CursorLockMode.Locked.

Here is the code, it runs before EventSystem in scripts hierarchy:

public UIManager manager;

void Update()
    if (manager.ESCMenuState == UIManager.UIState.closed)
        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined;

void LateUpdate()
    if (manager.ESCMenuState == UIManager.UIState.closed)
        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;

That is probably because acceleration causes physics-related CPU work and the FPS drops below a threshold that makes a bug in your code apparent.

Screenshot 2023-08-24 182047

Lesson: Always test your game at lower framerates (i.e. 30-60).