EventTrigger Pointer Exit Callback not working properly in android

I use new input system in Android with pointer class. As it seems EventTrigger pointer exit not working on android. It doesn’t occur in pc play. And it seems it’s lagging on android. I just use
Pointer.current in update. Getting it as variable and reading two value first one is press.wasPressedThisFrame and the second one position.ReadValue I don’t know why they don’t work properly in android.

Which version of the package? There was a fix related to this in preview.6. If this still happens with that package, please file a ticket with the Unity bug reporter.

Yeah it’s preview6 but project file is too big.I don’t know how to reproduce this but will try in my empty time. Sometimes ui buttons click but not calling functions. Readvalue is correct but not sure about waspressedframe and pointer enter&exit functions. And it works properply when i touch quickly and release it.But if i hold it for some miliseconds not calling anything. Yeah it’s not calling anything when i hold button in ui. If you programmed that way in android it’s not like old system. So ui buttons shouldn’t wait for releasing touch.

@Rene-Damm I just discovered that you are waiting for pointer touch release in android or in general. Don’t do it. Because buttons are not working if you don’t release it. It will works in smooth gameplay but if low fps i think hold time or tap time is bugging it. Or just give users to select option between waspressed this frame or released this frame.