Check out made by one Russian guy its basically a 3d planetarium of are universe, except you can fly around and visit and the stars and planets and galaxies made from both known astronomy data and when that’s not available it generates procedurally based on that data on how they should be made.
Its only 600mbs as well and importantly free.
A few quick tips
1: You first start at some unknown star not earth move your mouse to the left side of the screen and press the magnifying glass icon for the search box then type in earth and click go to, enjoy the ride to earth and start there it gives you some sort of perspective from where your going.
2: Check out all the keys and what they do there are a lot, most importantly the mouse scroll wheel is for speed, you wont get far traveling at a few thousand miles an hour, speed up to 1c lightspeed and see how far you get, here is a tip you can sit there and press w for forward at 1c for 20 mins or more till you get to mars, to get anywhere properly keep scrolling way past lightspeed and fly around the milkyway and beyond.
3: Eat dot is either a planet, star or galaxy depending on where you are in the universe. notice there are a lot of dots…so many dots…O_o
4: you can land on all planets click one then press shift-g you can check out all the keys in the options menu.
Enjoy and try not to let how small and insignificant are planet is compared to the rest of the universe get you down lol