[Everplay - Gameads] Experiences? Revenue rate?

Hello folks,

since Unity partnered up with Everplay, I may want to integrate Everplay - gameads in an android game I’m currently developing.

Since Everplay doesn’t have a big FAQ on their site according revenue, payment of ads etc., I’m asking you :slight_smile:

Do some of you guys have any experience with the services of Everplay - gameads?
How high is the revenue rate per click?
How will the profit be distributed to me? On a monthly base?

Is there maybe a bigger article which covers such questions?

All the best,

I tried getting Everyplay GameAds to work with my current project. Sadly it only loaded 1 ad, then it died.

It also slowed down the game and made it stutter for some reason after showing an ad.

I have no idea about the revenue though. And the problems i experienced may just be because i’m quite new to unity and android.

only thing i could say so far is that their support ist the fastest i’ve ever met. took them about 30 seks to tell me that they will have a look at my problem and another two minutes to send me a discription how to fix it. :slight_smile:

Thank you so far:smile:
Is there a info page where I can look the details due revenue and stuff?

Hi Sebi3110,

Like you said, we do not have a big FAQ on your site.

Here is information in another thread about the payments:
