Every asset is colored in blue

Hi, guys! I’m a unity begginer and I don’t what happend, but every asset I have is colored blue, how can I solve this problem ?


You need to adjust your material (QS-GRASS-7.1). Since all those purple/blue objects use that material, they are all affected by changes to that material.

Hi DeepIllusion, Unity uses ‘Materials’ to tell objects what to look like. If you select the object that is blue/purple and look over to the right you can see the inspector for that object. Down the very bottom of that panel there will be a Material component which you can see is the colour(Color if American) blue/purple. To Change this, simply click on the button that says “Legacy Shaders/Diffuse” and select default. Later on down the track when you become more comfortable with Unity you can research shaders and you will have much more control over the look of your gameObjects. Until then, i hope this answers your query and good luck :slight_smile: