Everything Canvas turns pink, when playing windows build


Someone knows why this happens? I’ve googled a bit, and I’ve found an interesting lead: this sort of thing happens when the shader is not pre-loaded. But… if this is happening only with uGUI elements, so… I’ve got clueless. First time this happens to me.



(SOLVED) Looks like my project settings got corrupted. Deleting the folder and restarting unity solved. Now I will try to re-do this without messing my game.


Hi Zimbres, I am having the same problem you had with canvas turning pink on build, just wondering how you solved it through Project settings?

Check that the UI shaders are included in the build settings.

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I can’t seem to fin that option in the File → Build Settings.
Where exactly is the option of including shaders ?

its one of the project settings. Edit/project settings. I can’t remember which one, hopefully it won’t be hard to find


Edit/ProjectSettings/Graphics. Fill out the Always Included Shaders. Starting a new project size = 7, Legacy Shaders/Diffuse, Hidden/CubeBlur, HiddenCubyCopy, Hidden/CubeBlend,Sprites/Default,UI/Default,UI/Default Font.


If you right click at the top of the inspector page for built-in shaders and choose reset it should fix it for you automatically.


This fixed the problem

Thanks a lot sir


Thanks! This helped me, too. The little gear at the top of the inspector page for built in shaders → Reset

I was having trouble with the GvrFPSCanvas prefab because it was pink! But this did the trick!


Dude you are awesome !!!

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Wow, It’s true. I can’t believe it.
The problem is SOLVED when I do “reset” in Graphic Settings!!


Thank you very much!!

thanx bro

That did it! Thanks!

@karl_jones Thank you so much!

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Forgive me for adding to this threads, I am very new to Unity and also struggling with the dreaded pink screen…
I am attempting to open a project file that a previous co-worker built and saved in a Shared Drive. When it opens… nothing but PINK. Under Project Settings Graphics I have the following :
6, Legacy Shaders/Diffuse, Hidden/CubeBlur, HiddenCubyCopy, Hidden/CubeBlend,Sprites/Default,UI/Default,UI/Default Font.

I attempted to reset graphics but I have had no success, any suggestions?
Images of Settings attached

Same as PCenrich.

I am getting pink rendering on Unity cubes, only in builds not in the editor.

I have deleted the Project Settings and had Unity recreate them. No luck.

I double checked the Project Settings > Graphics > Graphics Settings > Always Included Shaders and I have the following:

After resetting I have the following:

0 Legacy Shaders/Diffuse
1 Hidden/CubeBlur
2 Hidden/CubyCopy
3 Hidden/CubeBlend
4 Sprites/Default
5 UI/Default

After running the program in Unity, it remains the same. No pink.

After building the program, it switches to this and executes with pink:

0 Legacy Shaders/Diffuse
1 Hidden/CubeBlur
2 Hidden/CubyCopy
3 Hidden/CubeBlend
4 Sprites/Default
5 UI/Default
6 Hidden/VideoDecode

Any ideas?

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