Hiya. I am having fun making a roguelike game, tho there is one thing that concerns me…
Im using cubes with textures on them, like http://gyazo.com/48f6fd2664aa571c203fd9e3029620a0.png for a wall, and of course orthographic camera.
Shamefully, the textures are blurry no matter what i do. changing resolution of the bmp’s doesnt help either. This is how it looks in MY game http://gyazo.com/cefd582ae78debd7359903a26b1b6b23.png
And this is how it SHOULD look like: Screenshot - f188a50e94034440e2623c0271d53355 - Gyazo. Compare esp the walls.
Any idea ?
Or maybe there is some other way to represent all the objects on the map, both static like walls and dynamic like player… What i dont like in using 3d cubes is that, each wall is an object, so a single room has like 30 duplicated walls. Dunno if that’s a problem ?