Everything is blurry.

Hiya. I am having fun making a roguelike game, tho there is one thing that concerns me…

Im using cubes with textures on them, like http://gyazo.com/48f6fd2664aa571c203fd9e3029620a0.png for a wall, and of course orthographic camera.

Shamefully, the textures are blurry no matter what i do. changing resolution of the bmp’s doesnt help either. This is how it looks in MY game http://gyazo.com/cefd582ae78debd7359903a26b1b6b23.png

And this is how it SHOULD look like: Screenshot - f188a50e94034440e2623c0271d53355 - Gyazo. Compare esp the walls.

Any idea ?

Or maybe there is some other way to represent all the objects on the map, both static like walls and dynamic like player… What i dont like in using 3d cubes is that, each wall is an object, so a single room has like 30 duplicated walls. Dunno if that’s a problem ?

Have you checked the Texture settings?? if not click the texture and change texture type to GUI

Go to the folder where the texture is located in Unity’s project hierarchy and change the settings of the texture to Point and Truecolor, it should look better.