Hello, today I’ve been working on my game all day and lots of things just started going wrong after a while. Game objects aren’t turning on/off the way they should, images aren’t in their positions, camera stopped working completely the right way when I put a parallel script on another object, even after I undid it and a scene completely worked wrong even tho I literally touched nothing, I had to export a backup scene to fix it. All these problems started without touching the code or the inspector. Is this a problem with unity? Should I delete what’s wrong and start over? Thx.
Hard to say. It’s possible some small code change you made broke things, or it’s possible you hit some Unity bug, or maybe some combination of both. Maybe if you pick one smaller issue to focus on, we could figure out what’s causing that one thing. If we’re lucky, that could unravel the source of all your other issues too.
One thing you said struck me though:
Can you explain what you mean by a “parallel” script? If you’re talking about multi-threaded code, that could very well cause some very unexpected issues.