Everything is green. Corrupted project?

Hi. During building an exe the Unity completely froze my PC so I had to do a forced restart. Now when I open my project, everything is green in all scenes of the project. Other projects are fine, just this one appears to be somehow corrupted because of the reset. It also gives me some errors that seem to be connected with it. I’m attaching a screenshot so you can see what I’m talking about. Can someone help me please? This is really important to me :frowning: Thanks!

well… first you should update that service pack that unity recomends, and second, it seems that your object’s material got somewhat messed up, try to assign them a new one

So I didn’t find a way to fix the problem (I assume it’s something corrupted in the " uneditable core files" of the project), but I managed to save my project. I created a new one and copied all the assets from the old one into it, including scenes. Then I manually set all the project settings to match the ones of my old project. This helped, so I wanted to share it so maybe it can help someone in the future. Thanks for all your responds though :slight_smile:

Environment Recflections
Compression is Atuo will be bugged

Same thing happened to me. Funny thing is if you find the material and reset (right click for context menu options) it then the issue goes away. However, pressing play does not fix the issue. It somehow changes the value of the color property from the default white to a green tint.

Anyways since the issue was with the default material, all I did was to recreate a new material with the default settings (my issue was with the default sprite material) and attach that to all the affected game objects.

I found that easier than creating a new project and copying all the assets, tags, layers etc. Hint: you can find all the gameObjects with the component which has the issue in the hierarchy search bar by typing t:{type of component}