Everything Ivy - Scene Plants/Decoration

Hello, for Gen04, I’m in built-in and I put the Standard shader. it works if i place the plants by hand but it doesn’t work that i want to place them as a tree. The leaves are then pink.

The packs are imported as multiple meshes, so users have choices, which include which part of the mesh to apply colliders to, to save CPU cycles.

In order to Paint the trees into the landscape, the meshes need to be combined first, as Unity cannot handle meshes that have more than one mesh component. There are many offerings that are free on the Asset Store, that allow you to combine the meshes and give you a combined version of the Package Mesh. I would recommend searching for ‘Combine Mesh’. Hopefully Unity will automate this process in the editor.

Make sure you resolve the pink mesh issue, it is where the Alpha materials do not work when you use the Auto Batch for converting Materials for different pipelines. Unity cannot handle the Alpha channels, so do them by hand, you can see the method above in this thread. Here is a picture showing how.

If you are still having issues, don’t struggle, come back to this forum, this thread is checked at least once, sometimes more, per day.

It is worth noting, the Alpha Clipping setting is default at 0.5, which is normally good enough for the masks used. If you get too many artifacts, you can adjust that setting.


You are welcome, I hope that fixed things for you.

Uploaded a new theme pack for approval… Sea Defences a theme of Sea/Costal Defence items used around the World, based on real information and photographs.

Included are Materials to extend the range of finishes, such as Concrete and Stone.

The Package is set for URP out of the box, but is compatible with all Pipelines with minor adjustments as described on the Thread.

Good news this morning, the Sea Defenses is now live.

Materials and Shaders are showing missing in HDRP pipeline. Please help me on that.

There is a section on this forum post that shows how to add a URP to a project, the HDRP is the same. You also need to initialise the Pipeline to the engine, as I have shown in this thread.

Once the Pipeline is installed, and defined in all the project settings, as shown on the thread, then you have two choices, follow the route of trying to get Unity to do the Material Shaders automatically, again by following the thread, or doing it manually. Manually is preferable as the Unity Automatic method will most likely fail if any of the shaders use an Alpha Channel in the maps (Diffuse Textures). All that is needed is to select the correct HDRP shader for each Material (lit/unlit, whatever you use in the project, Lit is standard), then make sure the Textures are in the slots, if there is an error, the textures will render Pink, simply backtrack your steps…

In addition, you may want to check the Alpha Clipping and set that somewhere between .1 and .5 until any artifacts have gone.

You may also want to check Double Sided feature, as this will also backlight the alphas.

Please let me know if you have any issues, and I will work you through it to get it fixed. There are others that have posted on this thread that have struggled to get Unitys pipelines working good.

I quickly installed a HDRP blank project and went through the process of installing the HD Rendering Pipeline, then I imported the Trees Gen02 Volume 04 asset pack. The steps required for the HDRP and the URP are almost identical.

Hopefully Unity will get the Automated system from installing Rendering Pipelines working, along with being able to convert Materials Automatically on Import… Until then, hope this gives a good guide.

Did that information work for you, or do you need more?

Uploaded yesterday and awaiting approval of the latest Asset Package Gen04ForestKitBash01
It basically includes a variety of the things that ‘fill the gaps’ and makes things more believable in your scenes.

More pictures

more pictures

There are around 95 models in this pack, from grasses, flowers, plants, branches, Winter trees with optional Ivy Growths and prefabricated low poly Spinneys, along with a variety of Bark Materials to use to get more variety.

The pack can be used with the Universal Rendering Pipeline URP, out of the box, but is easily converted to other rendering pipelines, which you can find details of how to do that, right here on this Forum Pages.

I have been asked several times via email, how people like the assets we create, and wondered if we would supply them in user choice items by cherry picking from packs (i.e. 2 Oak trees, 4 Acacia, 3 Pine Trees etc)… having thought this through, I have some parameters that would reflect the cost of doing such packs:

1) Time involved, bearing in mind, we would need to go through the same submission protocols, for each pack as we would with a single asset package.
2) Finances, given the time involved (it is not simple drag and drop), labour costs, hosting and the potential that a single bespoke pack like this, may only sell a single time, this would need to be reflected on the end cost. For instance a combined pack, taken from around 5 packs, totalling around 20 models, could cost more to produce than the purchase of the 5 packs to begin with. There is a scale of return that comes into play. We create a pack and it sells multiple times on several Engines, without further costs to us, a bespoke pack may only sell once.
3) Once the models are made, it is true that reflects the same cost, no matter the Engine or package it is sold in, however, creating a pack for say Unity, 50% of the time spent, is the submission process, which would need to be recovered.
4) We do offer the provide Bespoke packs to other Studios, but on the basis of sharing profits from the income from their sales. We have EULAs and Contracts for that type of business.
5) We do offer the create Ivy growths for someone’s own Models. Again this is carried out on a single development basis, that has no commercial value afterwards.
6) We could just make up the packs, export them and sell them direct to you. However, that would be outside the EULA of Unity and can cause trouble for us as a Seller.

It is worth noting, that we create a model pack, that we use on several Engines and price them based on a projected return in sales, before we break even and recover the costs to us in the first place. Some packs need to sell say 300 units to break even. This is also true for other Engines that we sell on. It is not just the production of the models, it is also the creation of Materials to host the texture maps. In Unity there is Rendering Pipelines to deal with, as well as creating all the screenshots for the products, producing the selling/marketing details. In other Engines, the process is similar but not to the point of straight forward compatibility.

In the end, the investment made, must sell around 300 packs, to recover the initial costs of producing that pack. That is per Engine. Then there is the overheads, Systems for Production, upgrades, repairs, replacements and maintenance. It is the same with the many Software tools used for production, the Engines themselves, Modelling programmes, Texture/Graphics programmes. All the ongoing training for each. Bandwidth, backup and storage costs. The profit margins are small compared to many business models and they only arrive after selling 300+ units.

Having said all of that, provided you understand what you are asking, we are willing to respond to requests for bespoke packs.

Today, received the news that Gen05ForestKitBasher01 has been approved.
You can see/buy it here.

Noob question. I have purchased the TreeGen04-FirTrees02 asset I am having issues with the shader and lighting. I have selected the Nature/TreeSoftOcclusionLeaves as that seems to look the best. However, my flashlight in the game (spotlight) just makes the tree glow as opposed to returning realistic lighting effects. Do you have any idea how I can fix this?