exact feature list for indie and pro

Greetings everyone :slight_smile:

I’ve searched the forums for a complete list of what Unity Indie lacks. I found a link to https://secure.otee.dk/shop/ but I can’t find the feature list there.

The feature set listed on the website is really impressive but I really need to know which of those don’t work on indie (other than the inability to make windows .exe). Can anybody lead me to the page with the complete list of what Indy can/can’t do?

Thanks a lot in advance. :smile:

The list is here: http://unity3d.com/unity/download

I have a follow-up question for clarity. When that list says “Realtime soft shadows” in Pro does that mean that the Indie version supports realtime hard shadows only or no realtime shadows at all? Thanks.

No realtime shadows at all, aside from blob shadows.


Thanks, Eric. That’ll work just fine for me. I just didn’t want to have high expectations of the shadows before I purchased it.