Example of a third person rpg using unity.

Think knights of the old republic or mass effect. has anyone tried or attempted this besides “frontiers” with unity.

I am trying to contact that person about it.


I am looking through tutorials and am finding nothing past the basic interface things. is there more detailed tutorials out there or will i just have to random youtube it? nothing wrong with that but just trying to find a well put together source of information that isnt scattered.

specific things like
-how to model your third person character. how to do hair. face
-how to animate your character(such as an attack animation, smooth lifelike animations)
-how to make an enemy react to that attack instead of standing like a block.
-how to make cutscenes involving moving your characters or other.
-when creating an object, say a simple cube, is there a way to auto snap to that gridline instead of being floating way above it? or does that not matter.
how to play what you’ve made.
trying to think of more atm.

do most people basically tinker with it after the basic tutorials?

You can start here with his humongous tutorial. It’s got hundreds and hundreds of parts, but that’s the sort of job you’re facing wanting to make RPGs.

Start from part 1.

Speaking of space RPGs, there was an impressive one-man work, from Sollthar, started in 2010, a project named Space, with a long WIP thread :


I don’t know how it turned since July.

that space one is the frontiers game i was talking about:P