Examples of procedural buildings - games, info?

Procedural things are the reason why I started using unity. I had modded games for several years and each time it was about pressing what could be done with the game, always trying to generate terrain/scene after the game had started. Unity offers an incredible ability for this.
When I started with unity I wanted to procedurally generate buildings from scratch, but I was too inexperienced and fell flat on my face. A half year later I know I’m capable of doing it.

Generate an entire building from a single seed basic information (rooms, size, ectect). Inside and outside. Detailed, graphically correct. Objects and decals placed in the inside. Visually the same as if an artist was tasked to mass produce a hundred houses. Quality in first person.

I know this is possible. Every time I sit down to plan it out I see it more and more clear. But I have never heard of anyone else trying this. Several people have generated simple building exteriors. It would be nice to learn from others mistakes and get some inspiration for it.

Are you talking about example of people who did this INSIDE Unity or just any example of it?

Because there are quite a few outside Unity -



Urban PAD



Structural Procedural System

Houdini Procedural Building

And I am not aware of any procedural building generator type work inside Unity.

I loved those subversion videos!

I’m not aware of any either, but it would certainly be possible to do.

While not buildings-related, I’m working on this procedural game in my spare time:

It has completely procedural terrain and level design, so doing complex procedural things in Unity is certainly not a problem.


@I am da Bawss: Thanks for the Ürban PAD mention. Just a note that while city creation with Ürban PAD is not supported inside Unity, our latest trial version includes a custom Unity export profile. You can now import a whole Ürban PAD city to Unity easily. The documentation (.pdf for the moment) is here. (And I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t mention that we have a special offer on Ürban PAD until October 3: $29 for an Indie license!)

That would be great Claudia, however we would only get the license if you reach your goal of x amount of licenses sold. Problem is, the numbers are not moving that fast and Oct 3’rd is not far away. I wish you would have not put that clause in the requirements.

Check out Zombox. Beautiful game in the making. Excellent blog too. Procedural buildings with interiors included. Check out the blogposts.