Hi there,
I had encountered a strange problem while running our application in some environments.
Specifically when I call PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(“somekey”, somevalue); I am getting this exception:
exception: UnityEngine.PlayerPrefsException: Could not store preference value
at UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetFloat (System.String key, Single value) [0x00000] in :0
This happens on Windows 8.1 machine. My account is an Administrator, but app is not run in the admin mode. The exception does not occur when app is run in the admin mode. Nor it occurs when I run it on my Mac Book Pro and Mac Pro in both native OSX mode and Windows 10 through Parallels.
What could cause the issue? The application has its company and product name set properly. Its installMode and sandboxType are ‘Unknown’, but I am not sure what they are for and whether it has any effects.
The app is able to write into its AppData/LocalLow folder where it is installed currently.